Vail Village (or Vail Pass from Vail Village)
This is a challenging long ride with a big climb coming back up the west side of Vail Pass on the return. Start in Keystone, Breckenridge, Dillon, Frisco or Copper depending upon how far you want to go. The route shown on the right is about 72 miles and 4,900' of climb round trip from Breckenridge. The ride from Frisco (park at the Marina or west Main St lot) is about 56 miles & 4,200' of climb or 42 miles and 3,500' of climb from Copper Mountain.
Follow the directions for the Vail Pass Summit ride. Then ride around the back and above the summit rest area, turn left on the road just before the I-70 overpass and go down through the gate past the second lake to join the continuation of the Vail Pass Bike Path.
East Vail from the Closed Rd

Black Lake
Just west of Vail Pass summit

Click map for an interactive version and
downloadable GPS files.
Closed Road
No cars allowed!

Watch out for the steep down grade and sharp right hand blind corner at the 5 mile point from the summit. The path will terminate shortly after this sharp turn. Continue down the closed road another 4 miles or so to the closed road gate and then follow the road into Vail Village.
An alternative if you only want the challenge of climbing to Vail Pass from the west is to drive to East Vail and climb to the pass reversing the directions discussed above. We typically park at Big Horn Park in East Vail. Drive west on I-70 to exit 180 East. Get off on the right and turn left going under I-70 on Bighorn Road. Turn right on Streamside Circle. Stay on Streamside Circle and turn right on Meadow Drive. Bighorn Park is on the left ahead. From the park ride east on Juniper Lane, turn left onto Main Gore Drive N and then turn right onto Bighorn Road. Now you’re back on the map headed up toward Vail Pass.
Breckenridge to Vail Village
Elevation Profile - Breckenridge to Vail Village

72 miles and 4,900' of climb