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Cycling Safety

We have heard about and witnessed far too many accidents involving our friends and others, and so we take both this subject and our obligations to ride responsibly, whether on a path or road, in a group or alone, very seriously. We encourage you to do the same.

We as cyclists have two major safety threats: cars and cyclists (both ourselves and other cyclists around us), both of which we try to address here.


Two good overall rules for the road, whether driving or riding, are 1) Drive like the person ahead on the bike is your son/daughter; and 2) Ride like the cars around you are ambulances carrying your loved ones to the emergency room.

Here are some more suggestions and information.

Identify Yourself

Always carry or wear some form of identification and emergency contact info; particularly, if you are riding alone!

Bicycle Helmets

Wear a helmet at all times when cycling. It's the law in many places, and its common sense everywhere. Protect your brain. One crash and you will understand! Helmets are required on all Summit Biking group rides. If you aren't wearing one, you'll be asked to put one on or not ride with us.

If you need to replace a helmet, it is recommended that you buy a helmet with MIPS technology (Multi-Directional Impact Protection System). This mimics the brain’s protective structure by reducing rotational forces caused by angled impacts to the head. The helmet’s shell and liner are separated by a low friction layer which allows the helmet to slide, noticeably reducing trauma to the brain in case of oblique impacts.

Hearing Obstructions

The ability to hear everything around you while you're cycling is critical to your safety. For this reason, anything that obstructs your hearing, like headphones, earbuds, airpods, etc. are not permitted on our rides. If you are wearing such devices, you'll be asked to remove them or not ride with us.

Colorado Biking Manual

The official Colorado Dept of Transportation Guide for using roads & trails.

Colorado Cycling Statute

Colorado State Statute pertaining to cycling

Colorado Safety Stop Law

Governor Jared Polis signed this into law on April 13, 2022. This means bicyclists have a new safe and legal option to proceed through intersections across the state. When an intersection is clear and you already have the right of way, bicyclists age 15 and older may now proceed to treat stop signs as yield signs and treat stop lights as stop signs. Thanks to Bicycle Colorado, a nonprofit advocacy organization, for promoting this bill which helps prevent bicyclist-driver crashes where they happen the most--at intersections.

Cycling on Paths

Some (admittedly obvious but not always followed) practices for riding on multi-use paths. A Summit County Open Space & Trails Dept Rec Path safety video is available on You Tube HERE.

Summit County Rec Path Regs

Formal Summit County Recreational Path Regulations

Riding in Groups & Pacelines

Riding in groups can be informal as our weekly group rides, or more formal such as in pacelines, etc. Here are some pointers for each.

Chris Carmichael's Event Ride Tips

With thousands of cyclists on the roads together for charity or other major rides, riding safely is everyone’s responsibility. Despite the importance of rider safety, most of the resources cover only the very basic ideas of complying with traffic laws, wearing a helmet, and making sure your bike is in good working order. That’s a good start, but riding safely also has a great deal to do with your skills, habits, and attitude on the bike.

Ten Ways to Not Get Hit By A Car

We are fortunate to have an extensive bike path system in Summit County; however, we all end up on the road at some point, whether it be meandering around town, riding between sections of path or riding other places. This article takes a good look at auto/cyclist safety and how we can minimize our risk.

Panoramic image of a group of road bikes

Copyright © Summit Biking Inc. 2024

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