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Summit Biking Group Donates $20,000 to Tenmile Rec Path Extension

Summit Biking Group presented the Summit County Board of County Commissioners with a $20,000 donation Dec 3, 2018, in support of construction of the Tenmile Recpath Extension, a section of the Fremont Pass Recreation Pathway.

The Tenmile Extension is the first segment of the envisioned 21-mile grade-separated pathway paralleling Highway 91 over Fremont Pass, connecting the Summit County Recreational Pathway System with the Mineral Belt Trail in Leadville. In 2015, the Fremont Pass Recpath was formally identified as part of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s “Colorado the Beautiful: Colorado’s 16” trails initiative, which builds on existing efforts and partnerships to address critical trail gaps, missing segments and unbuilt trails across the state.

"We are elated to receive this generous contribution from Summit Biking Group," County Commissioner Dan Gibbs said. "Summit County is very fortunate to have such a fantastic community partner on the bicycling front. Summit Biking Group is instrumental in our ongoing work to invest in a world-class biking experience for our residents and visitors."

The Tenmile Extension bypasses a narrow section of Highway 91 near Copper Mountain, stretching from the existing Tenmile Canyon Recpath to the northern boundary of Climax Mine. The pathway's alignment follows the abandoned rail bed of the historic Denver South Park and Pacific Railroad, with a 3.3-mile-long, 12-foot-wide paved surface and 2-foot shoulders.

The project includes a 460-foot-long boardwalk designed to protect a large wetlands complex along the alignment. A 260-foot-long bridge spans Highway 91 at the southern end of the new segment to provide safe pedestrian access across the highway. Like much of Summit County’s Recpath system, the new segment will be nearly entirely on White River National Forest lands and will be operated under a special use permit from the Dillon Ranger District.

Summit Biking Group is a local nonprofit organization that works to enhance recreational bicycling opportunities in Summit County by connecting fellow cyclists in a fun and organized environment. The group raises funds to provide financial support for projects that improve the Summit County Recpath System and other local road-cycling infrastructure.

“We are excited to continue our longstanding partnership with Summit County on this fabulous project,” said past Summit Biking president Bob Giordano. “As our organization seeks to diversify and grow, we hope the local cycling community will get to know us better and find out how they too can contribute to important projects, such as the Fremont Recpath project.”

Summit County relies heavily on outside funding for Recpath enhancement projects. For the Tenmile Extension, the County was awarded a $4.475 million Federal Lands Access Program grant in 2016. The grant includes extensive design, permitting and project management support from the Federal Highway Administration's Central Federal Lands Highway Division. Summit County is providing an additional $600,000 in matching funds, which it is using to leverage funding toward this nearly $6 million project.

“Projects like these would not be possible without significant funding support from organizations like Summit Biking Group, Federal Lands Access Program, Climax Mine and Great Outdoors Colorado, all of whom have provided funding for this project,” Open Space and Trails Director Brian Lorch said. “It is only through partnerships with these organizations 

that we are able to fulfill our community's vision and goals for trails and open space in Summit County.”

Construction of the Tenmile Extension Recpath is now complete and the dedication/ grand opening was conducted on July 13, 2022.

Panoramic image of a group of road bikes

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