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Dedication of the new Fremont Rec Pass Path Segment


On July 13, 2022, members of the Summit Biking Group attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the official opening of the Fremont Rec Path segment. We had a good turnout considering the weather (it was pouring in Silverthorne when we left for Copper’s Far East lot). Our new jerseys really brightened the day.

As the speeches commenced, a fellow came down the bike path on a Penny Farthing, ducking under the tents and losing his hat in the process. Everyone was thrilled with this unplanned addition to the ceremonies.

The project was a joint effort between Summit County, the White River National Forest, Federal Highways Association, and Climax Mine. Summit Biking contributed $20,000 towards the project in 2018. The original completion date was 2020, but avalanches and the pandemic delayed construction.

We heard from Summit County Trails and Open Space, Commissioner Elisabeth Lawrence, the Federal Highways Association, and the National Forest representative. Representatives from Climax Mine and Copper Mountain were recognized. Commissioner Josh Blanchard was also in attendance and took pictures of us while Polly Koch spoke for Summit Biking standing in front of nine of us. Roberta Dakan was in the ribbon-cutting lineup.

After the ceremonies, which included great shwag and cookies, a few of us rode the path 3.3 miles to the bridge. It is a peaceful, scenic, slightly uphill ride alongside creeks and rushing water, and a fun downhill back to Copper. Polly and Roberta had the opportunity to climb on the Penny Farthing and pose for pictures.


See the Summit Daily’s story HERE.    See the video of Polly’s speech HERE.    And see photos from the Summit Daily’s story HERE.

Panoramic image of a group of road bikes

Copyright © Summit Biking Inc. 2024

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